Aubrey Pongluelert

aubrey pongluelert (she/her) is a Thai-American food grower, artist, community organizer and aspiring seed co-conspirator based in Goudi’ni (Arcata, CA), the ancestral lands and unceded territory of the Wiyot Tribe. Her relationship and commitment to food and farming justice find roots in the backyard garden of her childhood home, where her father continues to grow thriving Southeast Asian heritage vegetables, fruits and medicine. These roots led aubrey to earn a MS in Environmental Studies: Sustainable Food and Farming from the University of Montana, co-found the Missoula Community Free Fridge project, work with a number of farms and food justice organizations, and complete a Fulbright fellowship in Northern Thailand that explored farmer-led seed keeping and exchange networks as sites of resistance to seed privatization and as webs holding and spinning situated knowledges, eco-stories, bio-cultural diversity and food sovereignty. aubrey finds delight in making and sharing soup, gathering earth pigments, running her fingers through bags of seeds, and jumping into alpine lakes.

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