Brandi Mack
Brandi Mack is a mother of three melanated magical daughters. She is a holistic health educator, land tender, community engagement strategist, and permaculture designer who uses Biomimicry to promote living systems leadership. Brandi currently tends land from the foothills of California to the Urban areas of East Oakland. Brandi is a third generation land tender in California.
Brandi is a soil builder, who promotes peace for people, programs and the entire planet. She is co-founder of The Butterfly Movement, a non-profit that is committed to supporting melanated women and girls, through Seed and Soul. Brandi is the founder and principal of BhealthyBholistic, a consultancy firm that provides expert community engagement strategies, regenerative land tending skills, and facilitation for over 20 years. Brandi is excited to be a part of the founding humans of the California Farmer Justice Collaborative and believes in justice for all.