Natali Johnson


Natali Johnson (she/they) was born and raised in Madera, CA. Despite a deep love for the natural world, they never connected with the agricultural business that characterizes their hometown. Upon moving back home, she grew a deeper appreciation for the Central Valley and began composting in her backyard. Through Agroecology Commons' Bay Area Farmer to Farmer Training program, Natali apprenticed for Will Scott Jr. of Scott Agriculture LLC. in Fresno California for 2 years.There, they grew Southern legacy crops, served as a mentor, and created a farming curriculum for a group of high school students, focused on sustainable, agroecological practices that benefit the living ecosystem. They are involved in various community activities and organizations including: African American Farmers of California, UC Master Gardeners, UC Climate Stewards, and Fresno’s Downtown Academy. She aspires to open a farm and farm store with her sister, centering regenerative agriculture and environmental education and specializing in flowers, winter produce, native plants and medicinal herbs, for the people of the Central Valley. She is committed to utilizing agroecological practices, educating community members on sustainability, examining the role the Central Valley plays in the broader food system, community care and uplifting the voices of the people in the Central Valley. They hold a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology and a Minor in Global Studies from California State University, Monterey Bay.

Natali is a member of the Farmer Justice Advocacy Committee.