Natalia Pinzon Jimenez

Natalia specializes in agroecology as a means to reduce on-farm and global climate risk. Her doctoral research focuses on how California farmers are preparing for, responding to and recovering from wildfires. Natalia partners with community organizations across the state and the Americas who serve structurally disenfranchised farmers. This includes work to serve Latinx farmers and farmworkers in California; organic seed producers in the United States; urban BIPOC farmers; and agroecology more broadly throughout Latin America.  She is the co-founder of Farmer Campus, an online school for farmers. Leaning on seven years of experience, she currently writing on effective pedagogies for virtual farmer education. Natalia is a Colombian immigrant and has a background in microbiology, cell biology, microscopy and science education. She has an A.S in Biology and Chemistry from Raritan Valley Community College, a B.S in Conservation and Natural Resources from the University of California, Berkeley and an M.A. in Geography at UC Davis.