
CA Farmer Equity Resources


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CFJC Newsletters An archive of CFJC Newsletters


More info on our work to pass the 2017 Farmer Equity Act How did the Farmer Equity Act come to be, who worked to pass it, and what was its intent?


CDFA’s 2020 Report to the California Legislature on the Farmer Equity Act CDFA’s first report outlining major findings regarding historic inequities in CA Farming. Based on research conducted by CDFA staff and led by CDFA’s Farm Equity Advisor.


CFJC’s Statement on the release of the 2020 Report to the California Legislature on the Farmer Equity Act CFJC’s response to the report process and document released by the CA Department of Food and Agriculture, above


Farmer Equity Act Bill Text Legislative text of the amendments to the California Food and Agriculture Code adding a definition of “Socially Disadvantaged Farmer and Rancher”


Farmer Equity Act Fact Sheet SB 1348 (Farmer Equity Act) quick bill facts prepared by the California Farmer Justice Collaborative


Growing Inclusion at the California Department of Food and Agriculture: Implementation of the Farmer Equity Act A report prepared by Beth Spitler for the California Farmer Justice Collaborative. Goldman School of Public Policy. University of California Berkeley, Spring 2018


Recommendations for Implementation of the Farmer Equity Act of 2017: Executive Summary Summary of recommendations by members of the California Farmer Justice Collaborative to the California Department of Food and Agriculture regarding the implementation of the Farmer Equity Act, Spring 2018


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